Einstein His Life & Universe Book Summary PDF By Walter Isaacson
Einstein His Life & Universe Book Summary, What if I could ride a bicycle alongside a light beam? What does it feel like to travel ..
“What if I could ride a bicycle alongside a light beam? What does it feel like to travel as fast as the speed of light?” These are the thoughts that filled Einstein’s mind as a 16-year-old. He had a colorful imagination which made him think of the most impossible ideas. Only Albert Einstein thought about the curving of light and the curving of reality itself.
Introduction - The Light Beam Rider
His got these very distinct features of wild curly hair and piercing eyes which made him very recognizable. Einstein preferred to work alone but he always wanted to share his findings to the rest of the world. He can be a solitary man, studying day and night in his apartment. But he can also be an international celebrity who inspires the world.
In 1905, he laid the foundations of quantum physics. That is when Einstein published that light can act both as a wave and as a particle. In that same year, he also came up with special relativity and E=mc2. Einstein published a total of 5 papers in 1905. One of them earned him a Nobel Prize. Indeed, he had the workings of a genius.
One decade later, Einstein came up with his greatest theory just yet. That is none other than general relativity. It marked the end of classical physics and paved way for modern physics. It gave a more accurate view of the universe that is more encompassing than Newton’s.
He didn’t stop working even on his death bed. In his old age, Einstein became dedicated to discovering the theory of everything. It is the unified field theory which combines quantum mechanics, general relative, electro magnetism and gravity in one set of laws. In essence, the unified theory should explain everything in the universe from the tiny electrons to the enormous planets.
To this day, physicists are continuing this quest. They are understanding more and more of quantum physics. Though the quantum world is full of uncertainties and probabilities, the basic principle that electrons can act both as a wave and as a particle made possible the modern technology we have today.
Childhood Of Young Einstein
Young Einstein was already two years old but he still cannot talk. His parents had to consult a doctor. They feared that he would not be able to talk at all. When he got into it, young Einstein had the habit of repeating his words to himself before saying them out loud. It led his family to think that he is retarded.
Einstein said time and again that his wild imagination, his child-like curiosity is what made him see things that other people cannot. Most people walk down hill, ride a fast train or see a lightning strike and accept it as a part of life. But for Einstein, he always wanted to know the reason behind these phenomena.
Einstein’s ancestors are Jewish businessmen. They lived a comfortable life in Swabia, a beautiful village southwest of Germany. The Einsteins are intelligent and educated people. They are known to be secular and independent-minded.
Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch are Albert Einstein’s parents. Hermann was a proud businessman while Pauline is a strong-willed woman. Both of them built a nurturing home for their children.
When Albert Einstein was just one years old, his family moved to Munich. This is because his uncle Jakob invited his father to start an electrical supply business. Jakob is the engineer while Hermann is the salesman. Together, they secured electrical contracts for the towns of south Germany.
Albert had a little sister when he was two years old. Her name is Maja. When he saw his baby sister for the first time, Albert said “Yes, but where are the wheels?” He saw his sister as a wonderful little toy. Growing up, Albert and Maja adored each other.
The Einstein family had a huge elegant home in Munich. Their house was surrounded by a plush garden. For most of Albert’s childhood, his family lived a happy comfortable life. This stable and loving environment nurtured his imaginative mind.
Little Albert is prone to day dreaming and wandering off alone. He liked playing with puzzles and building sets. He is able to create complex structures. Maja said that he can make buildings out of cards up to fourteen floors.
Two amazing things happened when Albert was 5 years old. He received gifts from his parents which became big influences in his personality and his life. The first one is a compass from his father. The second one is a violin from his mother.
Young Einstein is lying in bed one day, trembling with high fever. His father sat beside him and gave him a compass. Einstein was mesmerized by the item. He was held captive with wonder. He watched very curiously as the tiny needle swivelled in direction. Einstein cannot wait to learn how the compass works.
Not long after wards, his mother gave him a violin and arranged for him to have lessons. Pauline Einstein is herself an excellent pianist. When young Albert learned the violin, mother and son began to play together. Their favourite musician is Mozart.
Einstein found Mozart’s compositions to be of pure beauty. For him, the sonatas reflect the wonder of the universe.
Einstein was known to play his violin whenever he encounters difficult problems, especially during the time when he developed general relativity. He would play late at night alone in his apartment. At the middle of his performance, he would suddenly stop and exclaim, “I’ve got it!”
He studied in Luitpold Gymnasium until he was 15. Something happened with the Einstein family in that year of 1984. The electrical business of Albert’s father got into a tough time. The contracts were not so abundant anymore. They have to sell the beautiful house in Munich and move to Milan, Italy where Hermann Einstein saw a better future.
Albert was supposed to remain three more years in Munich to finish his basic education. But after the Christmas vacation of 1984, he never came back. He got the family doctor to make a certificate for him saying that he’s sick. Einstein boarded a train to Italy to reunite with his family.
The reason behind leaving Munich is that Einstein does not want to be drafted in the army. If he had remained in Germany one more year, he would be required to do so. Later on, Einstein asked the help of his father to finally renounce his German citizenship.
He also expressed his desire to study in Zurich Polytechnic. He boarded the train to Switzerland. Einstein aced the entrance exams on science and math. But he terribly failed in French, politics and literature. Eventually, he was accepted in the institution.
The Zurich Polytechnic
Albert Einstein was by then 17 years old. He was included in the class which has special training for both math and physics. His mother’s relatives supported him in Zurich. They give him a monthly allowance of 100 Swiss francs. Einstein paid for his student lodgings. He saved 20 francs each month for his plan to become a Swiss citizen.
The most important thing that happened to Einstein in Zurich Polytechnic is meeting his future wife, Mileva Maric. Mileva is a daughter of a proud Serbian farmer. She was encouraged by her father to be an expert in physics and math. Mileva was enrolled in top competitive schools in which she was able to excel.
Until finally, when she was 21 years old, Mileva made it to Zurich Polytechnic. She was the only girl in Einstein’s class. Over the years, Albert and Mileva became madly in love. They exchanged countless of letters expressing their passion for science and for each other. They enjoyed reading books together and discussing lectures.
Albert’s mother disapproved of Mileva because she is smart but not comely in anyway. Einstein is devoted to Mileva however. He calls her by the name “Dollie” and addresses her as “my wild little rascal”. Mileva has the nickname “Johnnie” for him. She also called Einstein as “my wicked little sweetheart”.
Einstein graduated as top of his class in 1990 in spite of his delinquency towards his teachers. Mileva was not able to graduate that year as she had very low grades. She promised to finish her studies none the less.
The Lovers of Einstein
Two years after graduation, Einstein desperately looked for a job. His professors at Zurich Polytechnic rejected him to be an assistant. Although they remember him as a genius, they could not forget his rebellious manners. That’s why he wasn’t able to land a job in the institution. Meanwhile, he landed some tutorial gigs here and there.
Einstein finally got his Swiss citizenship. He had been stateless since he renounced his German citizenship. He said that he liked Switzerland better because it has a more democratic and humane system.
That summer of 1901, Einstein and Mileva had a romantic getaway in Como village. They visited a beautiful mansion and went mountain hiking. In that vacation, Einstein got Mileva pregnant.
Through his letters, he always promised that he would get a job so they can live together and be a family. But Einstein took so long before he landed a permanent job. Mean while, Mileva took her graduation exams again but failed. She went home to her parents in Novi Sad.
Mileva gave birth to a baby girl named Lieserl. Although Einstein sent his sweet letters, he never took the train to Novi Sad. What really happened to Lieserl was covered with mystery.
It was said that Lieserl was adopted by Mileva’s close friend. But there’s also a possibility that she died of scarlet fever when she was three years old. Mileva went back to Zurich without her. It was only in 1903 when she and Albert got married. They had a civil wedding witnessed only by two friends.
In 1904, Hans Albert Einstein was born. Mileva and Albert’s first son brought back happiness in their relationship. They had another son named Eduard in 1910. Eventually, Mileva and Albert’s marriage would end up in divorce. Hans Albert grew up to be an engineer while Eduard suffered from extreme mental illness. Einstein’s second son stayed in asylum for most of his life.
The Miracle Year: Quanta and Molecules, 1905
Someone told Einstein that the job as third- class patent clerk is extremely boring. It is of the lowest rank in the Swiss patent office. Never the less, Einstein kept on it and he became a regular employee after one year. Perhaps, it’s the slow going job which made his wild imagination kick in. 1905 is a very productive year for Einstein.
For many decades, the classical physics of Sir Isaac Newton has been accepted as the ultimate scientific truth. The laws regarding force, mass, motion and gravity governs everything from a falling apple to the orbiting moon. According to Newton, all that exists can be determined, explained and predicted.
In 1905, Einstein wrote five papers addressed to his friend Conrad Habicht. Little did he know that his letters will change the history of science.His ideas about relativity and quanta are quite radical at the time. That is why Einstein chose to submit his paper on molecule size as his doctorate thesis.
The first paper that he sent to Habicht is about the properties of light. Einstein argued that light can act as a wave and also as a stream of particles. These tiny particles are called quanta.
The second paper is about the size of molecules. It has been found out that the number of molecules in gas can be determined by setting the equal volumes of gas to same amounts of temperature and pressure. But Einstein is the first to theorize about the number of molecules in a liquid.
When you put more sugar in a cup of water, it becomes more and more like syrup. Einstein visualized that the sugar molecules are diffusing in the water molecules. From that, he was able to derive an equation for determining the size of liquid molecules.
The third paper is about Brownian motion. When a liquid is put under a microscope, there are tiny particles to be seen in a jiggling motion. Einstein explained that the reason for this motion is the collision between the tiny particles.
Special Relativity 1905
In the latter part of the year, Einstein sent two more papers to Conrad Habicht. The fourth paper is concerning special relativity. The fifth paper is about Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2
The basic concept of relativity came from Galileo in 1632. He came to it because Galileo supported Copernicus’ idea. Scientists used to think that the Earth stays put at the center of the universe and the other planets revolve around it.
The scientists argued that if the earth is really moving, like Copernicus says, then how come we could not feel it? There comes Galileo and his concept of relativity. We do not feel the earth move because it is moving in constant motion. Galileo compared it to being aboard a smooth sailing ship.
Galileo said that if you go inside a cabin, you would not feel the steady movement of the ship. It will be like when you are sitting on your table at home. You know that the ship is sailing but you do not feel it. You may have a fish bowl or an hourglass inside your cabin. You will see that the goldfish keeps swimming calmly and that the sand keeps spilling steadily in the hourglass.
Thus, the object in constant motion and the object at rest are quite the same. One cannot say which of them is moving because each object is moving relatively to the other.
Now, Einstein comes up with his special theory of relativity. It is special because it only applies to objects moving in constant motion. Einstein made an example of a moving train.
Suppose you are standing on a train platform. You observe that the passengers on the train are moving in constant motion. For those passengers inside, they will observe that you are also moving in constant motion.
Now, imagine that as youstand still on the platform, two lightning strikes at point A and point B. You are at the exact center between the two points so you observe that the two lightning strikes happened simultaneously at the exact same time.
But if there is a passenger inside the train who is near point A, that person will observe that the lightning strike in point A happens first before the lightning strike in point B. Likewise, if there is a passenger near point B, that person will say that the lightning strike in point B came first.
Thus, there is no right or wrong answer. You on the platform and the passengers on the constant moving train observed the phenomena relatively. Each observer has a different perspective.
So, which lightning strike really occurred first, the one in point A or point B? This is how Einstein deduced that even time is relative. Newton has long ago concluded that time and space has to be absolute. But other scientists have already seen a loophole in this idea.
Ten years after coming up with special relativity, Einstein will publish about the general theory of relativity. He added the concepts of gravity and accelerated motion. Meanwhile, he sent his fifth and final paper to Habicht which is about the famous formula.
Deriving from relativity also, Einstein came up with E=mc2. The energy of an object is equal to its mass multiplied to the square of speed of light. The speed of light is in itself a huge number. So if you have an energy source with the mass of a single raisin, it would have the capacity to supply New York’s electric needs for one day.
It is out of Einstein’s control that his formula will be used to make atomic bombs decades later. The bombs used in World War II are massive. That’s why the energy they emitted destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The light radiation killed thousands of people even several months after the explosions.
General Relativity 1911-1915
Special relativity applies only to objects with constant speed and velocity. Einstein soon realized that it is not enough. There should be a theory which deals with objects inaccelerated motion.
Before general relativity,it has been accepted by scientists that space and time exist separately from each other. Gravity exists on empty space. This is how Newton explained the universe. His laws of motion are consistent with this idea of reality.
However, what Einstein found out changed everything. The theory of general relativity gave a more accurate understanding of the universe. It revolutionized science and it changed the concept of reality as a whole.
It wasn’t easy. It took four years for Einstein to complete his study. He went through a lot. Einstein kept on working hard amidst the World War I. He was so dedicated in the theory that he has come to ignore his family. It was during this tough four years that Einstein and Mileva become separated.
Einstein kept on promising that he would spend time with his sons but he was just too occupied with his ideas and equations. He said that science became his refuge from his trouble some personal life.
He was quite an introvert. Einstein chose to work on his theory alone no matter how difficult it is. His apartment in Berlin was always cluttered with papers and books. Einstein kept on working alone day and night. He eats and sleeps only when he really needs it.
When Einstein finally completed the theory of general relativity, he was only 36 years old. Europe is destroyed by war. His marriage and family life is quite destroyed as well. Never the less, Einstein was very happy. He said that his dreams had finally come true. He considers general relativity as his greatest achievement.
General relativity states that space and time are not separate entities. They exist together forming the fabric of space time. It is best visualized by a fabric of trampoline. If you roll a bowling ball in it, the fabric will curve and ripple.If you add some billiard balls, they willgo towards the bowling ball which has a bigger mass.
The bowling ball and the billiard balls curve the fabric. In turn, the curving of the fabric determines the path and motion of the balls.Imagine that the balls are the planets and the trampoline is the universe. That is the easiest way to explain general relativity.
The theory also implies that time is not the same for all observers. Time is relative and time can be dilated. It can be affected by gravity and velocity.
The Global Positioning System or GPS works on the concept of time dilation. Imagine that you’re driving to the beach. Time on the surface of the earth is slower because of gravity. The pull of gravity curves space time. The GPS satellites adjust its time in space so that it feeds accurate and timely directions on your phone. Without time dilation, GPS would not work at all.
Another example is the twin scenario. Suppose that there are twin babies. One remains in earth while the other travels inside a rocket near the speed of light. After 80 years, the twin on earth will become an old man while the baby travelling near the speed of light will only age one day. The closer you travel to the speed of light, the slower time will be for you.
General relativity also explains the existence of black holes. Because black holes are extremely massive, its gravitational pull is so strong that even light cannot escape. Theoretically, if an astronaut goes near the surface of a black hole, his body will be stretched like spaghetti. That is because the pull of gravity is stronger on his feet than his head.
Towards his death, Einstein worked on the unified field theory. General relativity explains the universe on the large scale. It deals with planets, galaxies and black holes. Quantum mechanics meanwhile explain the universe on the smallest level. It deals with electromagnetism, atoms, electrons and quarks.
Einstein and other scientists believe that there is a theory of everything which combines general relativity and quantum mechanics. Planets and all matter are made up of atoms so there must be continuity, a set of laws which governs everything that exists.
Einstein Fame 1919
During his time in Berlin, Einstein reunited with his first cousin Elsa. He was married to Elsa in 1919, in the same year that he was divorced with Mileva. He had two step daughters from Elsa. Their names are Margot and Ilse. In his rise to fame, it was Elsa who is always beside him.
After the war, people all over the world are looking for a beacon of hope, a sign that humanity is not completely devastated, a sign that humans are not only capable of killing and violence. Here comes Einstein with his significant theory of general relativity.
Times of London printed the huge headline “Revolution in Science, New Theory of the Universe, Newtonian Ideas Overthrown”.
The press knows that the people are yearning for a new international celebrity. They were pleased to find out that Einstein is not the typical scientist. He has distinct features of big eyes and rumpled hair. He is only 40 years old and more importantly, he loves the spotlight.
Einstein never fails to give witty quotes. He says that he hates publicity but he showed quite the opposite. He could have completely shunned himself from all the interviews and invitations like some other scientists. But instead, Einstein ended up with Elsa and Charlie Chaplin in a red carpet Hollywood movie premier.
His theory of relativity is ground-breaking indeed but Einstein became even more popular because of his openness to publicity. That image of unruly hair and huge dark eyes became an international icon. In his letter to a friend he said that his celebrity status is so dreadful that he can hardly breathe. It hinders him from doing any sensible work. Even so, Einstein kept on posing for the camera and making his witty quotes.
The Refugee
In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on photoelectric effect. It was regarding a paper that he published back in 1905. Scientists have yet to understand general relativity and its wider implications. That’s why he was not awarded for it.
Before long, Einstein knew that he would receive a Nobel Prize. He promised Mileva that he would put the prize money into trust fund for his sons. This made Mileva agree on filing their divorce. Indeed, the Nobel Prize came true.
Between 1921 -1923, Einstein took several travels abroad. He went to Japan, Singapore, Palestine and Spain. He had his first visit in the United States where he held several lectures in Princeton University and Columbia University.
He had his second visit in US year 1930. At the time, he was made a research fellow in Caltech or California Institute for Technology. When Hitler rose to power in 1933, Einstein knew that he couldn’t go back to Germany. He was Jewish and so he became a refugee. For a time, he stayed in Belgium and England. He even received an invitation to teach in Oxford University.
But it is in US where Einstein chose to stay from 1935 onwards. He worked for the Institute for Advanced Study in New Jersey. Einstein and Elsa lived in 112 Mercer Street. It became Einstein’s permanent residence until his death. He never had the chance to come back to Germany.
America in Einstein
It was in the Institute for Advanced Study where Einstein worked on the unified field theory. It was also where he studied quantum mechanics and came to refute it. Physicists like Neils Bohr and Werner He is enberg built the idea of quantum mechanics.
Essentially, quantum mechanics begins with the idea that if a light wave can act like a particle, then a particle can also act like a wave. Thus the subatomic particles or the electrons and so on can be represented by a wave. However, it is not possible to determine the properties of a moving wave at one specific time that is why physicists study electrons through sets of wave lengths.
The result is that there are probabilities in the position of the electrons. This concept is called super position. That is why Einstein said that God doesn’t play dice. He disagrees about the probabilities and uncertainties of quantum mechanics.
A fiery debate ensued between Einstein and his colleague Niels Bohr. According to Bohr, the wavelengths of an electron can be observed in an experimental reality. That is one of the basic principles of quantum mechanics. Einstein simply cannot accept that. He believes in an objective reality which exists independently, regardless of the observer.
The Bomb
Einstein was in a vacation in Long Island when his scientist friend from Hungary came looking for him. Einstein took a ride on his small boat, bought a pair of sandals and listened to Bach with the owner of a local store. Back at Mercer Street, the Hungarian physicists LeóSzilárd finally found him.
Szilard has studied nuclear fission and nuclear chain reactions. He told Einstein that it is possible to create a massive bomb using the element uranium. Szilard feared that Germany might get hold of uranium and create weapons of mass destruction.
Einstein realized the implications and decided that they should do something about it. He had long ago disliked the military power and authoritarianism of Nazi Germany. He is amazed that in America, people can express their opinions freely without fearing for their lives.
Einstein knew Alexander Sachs who is an economist and a personal friend of President Franklin Roosevelt. Einstein wrote the letters which prompted Roosevelt to take some action. Eventually, Szilard and other physicist were given the responsibility to study about the explosive nuclear reactions.
On August 6, 1945, Einstein was taking an afternoon nap in Saranac Lake where he rented a cottage for the summer. When he woke up for tea, his personal assistant Helen Dukas informed him about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. All that Einstein said was, “Oh my God.”
Three days later, a second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Somehow, Szilard and the other Hungarian physicists where assigned to create atomic bomb in defence from the Nazis. On March 1945, Szilard visited Einstein again to talk about his worries.
Germany was losing around that time. It became apparent to Szilard that the Nazis did not succeed in creating atomic bombs. Why then is the American military pursing the Manhattan Project? Szilard and the other scientists warned the new president Harry Truman in July 1945 about using the nuclear weapons.
But then, the worst destruction in human history happened. Time magazine put Einstein on front cover saying that he is the father of the atomic bombs. First, he initiated the government research and second, he created the equation E=mc2 which laid grounds for nuclear fission.
One moment he is the hero and one moment he is not. It must be convenientto blame the disaster on one German physicist. All the while Einstein just wanted to enjoy the summer and drink tea.
The End of Einstein 75 Years
Einstein was 75 years old when he was diagnosed with aneurysm in his abdomen. Even if he is struggling from stomach pains, he brings himself up every day to work at the Institute. He continued his search for the theory of everything.
Einstein’s black board was filled with equations. Every day, he looked for new approaches in the theory. But at some point, he would go always go back from the start because there is something wrong.
He also kept on thinking about quantum mechanics. Einstein is firm in his idea that there is a reality which exists independently from the observer. He admitted that he is stubborn. That is why he kept on finding ways to reconcile quantum mechanics with relativity.
One morning, Einstein arrived on the Institute experiencing extreme pain from his abdomen. “Is everything all right?” his research assistant asked. To which he replied, “Everything is all right, but I am not.”
The next day, the doctors told him that Einstein needs an operation. There might be a surgeon who could do something about his aneurysm. However, Einstein strongly declined. He said that it is tasteless to prolong his life in artificial ways. He said he had done his share and it’s his time to go.
He was rushed to the hospital. On Sunday morning, Einstein asked his personal assistant to get his glasses, pencils and papers. He is feeling better and he would like to do some calculations.
Einstein worked for as long as he can. When the pain became too much for him to handle, he went to sleep. Around 1 AM that Monday of April 18, 1955, Einstein died at the age of 76.
Found on his deathbed are 12 pages filled with equations. It is littered with corrections and cross-outs. They are proof that until the very end, Einstein struggled to find the unified field theory.
Einstein’s Brain and Einstein’s Mind
Otto Nathan, Einstein’s close friend, was in deep grief about his death. That is why Nathan didn’t notice when the Princeton University pathologist took the electric saw and cut Einstein’s skull. The next morning a class of fifth graders in Princeton discussed about Einstein’s death. One little boy at the back suddenly announced, “My dad got his brain.”
The man who took Einstein’s brain, preserved it and kept it for 40 years is named Thomas Harvey. He held on to Einstein’s brain like it is his most prized possession. He hid it inside a cookie jar.
Over the years, Harvey would send samples of Einstein’s brain to any researcher who struck his fancy. He would send a slide asking if the researchers would want to work on it. And so, Einstein’s brain has been chopped off to pieces. But no relevant study came from all of it.
When Thomas Harvey was 86 years old, he decided that it’s about time to pass on his prized possession. He drove off to Princeton University with the cookie jar. He left it in the care of the current pathologist.
Einstein requested for his body to be cremated and his ashes to scattered. He didn’t want to have crazy veneration on his tomb. Einstein’s body was cremated right after his death. His ashes were scattered before the whole world knew about what happened.
In the recent years, it has been found out that Einstein’s brain has 17% more neurons. His corpus callosum, or the fiber connections between the two hemispheres of the brain, is much thicker than average. But the question is that is Einstein born with it or he developed quick synapses in the brain because he constantly thinks?
You learned about Albert Einstein. You learned about quanta, special relativity, general relativity, E=mc2, quantum mechanics and unified field theory. More exciting things are happening in the world of physics. Perhaps, the one thing we could learn the most from Einstein is to keep on asking questions, to keep on studying and understanding the universe.
We may also learn from him to make the most out of our time. It is up for us to choose to live in mediocrity and ignorance or we can choose to live as thinkers and movers. Perhaps, you can enjoy reading about quantum mechanics while listening to Bach or sipping tea.